Current label: Storage shelves
Storage shelves Give you a detailed introduction Storage shelves Product classification of, including Storage shelves The purpose, model, scope, pictures, news and price of all products under. At the same time, we have selected Storage shelves The classified industry information, price quotations, exhibition information, picture materials, etc. have won praise from users nationwide. For more details, please click to visit!
The difference between Guangxi storage shelves and supermarket shelves is that, in addition to the storage function, another important function of supermarket shelves is the display function. Its height is usually designed according to the height of people, so most supermarket shelves pay more attention to the structural design below 3 meters. Compared with supermarket shelves, storage shelves are generally used in industrial warehouses, which pay more attention to upward development and make full use of warehouses
Generally speaking, Guangxi heavy shelves need to master the special requirements of transportation volume, transportation equipment and transportation route in the transportation process. 1. As the goods are classified as heavy shelves, the quantity of goods that may need to be transported is relatively large, and the delivery quantity is certainly different from light shelves. The size and weight of the shelf should be considered according to the transport capacity requirements of the delivery vehicle, and should be consistent with the actual situation
Safety has always been a problem that every shelf user must keep in mind. A little carelessness will not only result in the loss of storage, but also the life of shelf users. Anti overloading: The rack designed by the rack technician has a large bearing capacity, and the weight of stored goods is controlled within a large bearing range. The larger the load, the more conducive to safety. Super height and super width prevention: when installing shelves in Guangxi, the floor height